Experience flying an airplane as the "Captain" of your Discovery Flight.
It's the perfect gift for a family member or friend.

As an introduction to flying, East Hill offers this introductory Discovery Flight. It is a 30 to 40 minute flight over Ithaca and surrounding scenic locations such as Taughannock Falls and Cornell University. This introductory flying lesson is available for only $199 in a Cessna 152 or $249 in a Cessna 172.  See the "Fine Print" below.

Gift Certificate Purchase Options

What happens on a Discovery Flight? What should I wear and bring?

Wear something comfortable and bring a camera so you can capture this fun experience. When you arrive at East Hill Flying Club, we will give you an overview of the basic concepts of piloting an aircraft and details about the flight. After a tour of the facilities and viewing a brief introduction video we proceed to the plane and pre-flight the aircraft (required before every flight). Then we get inside the airplane for an overview of the controls and instruments. Before you know it, we will start the airplane and you'll be taxiing to the runway. Usually our route of flight will take us over the city of Ithaca and Taughannock Falls, maneuver a bit then come in for a landing. We'll spend about a half hour in the air. You will have an introduction to the radio for communications and learn to taxi the plane as well.

Taking off from the runway and climbing into the air is very exciting, but typically so smooth that you may not realize you are airborne. As the captain of the flight, you will be flying the plane with only the verbal guidance of the flight instructor. Flying at almost a half-mile above the ground, you will have a bird's-eye view of Tompkins County and Cayuga Lake.

Then you will return to the Ithaca airport and land. With your first flight completed, we will then talk about the options to become a club member and learning to become a pilot. We would love for you to join the club and learn to fly, so please make sure to get an application from your instructor. East Hill Flying Club is a not-for-profit organization, so the cost of the flight is equal to the expense of the aircraft and instructor. You are welcome to ask questions about the club, and chat with any member that might be at the facility. Flying is well within the reach of every individual. We will describe the necessary steps in acquiring a pilot medical examination in order to proceed with your training. Thanks for considering us for a Discovery Flight! We appreciate your feedback and comments in person or email about the experience and anything we can do to improve your flying experience at East Hill. Call us today and schedule a flight: (607) 257-1313

The Fine Print:

The Cessna 152 can carry one Discovery Flight passenger who weighs up to 175 pounds. Passengers unable to meet this restriction, or who want a bit more room, should book the Cessna 172. Flights will be scheduled based on instructor availability and are subject to weather conditions. A clear and calm day is recommended for maximum enjoyment. The instructors are FAA certified and have thousands of hours of flight training.

© 2023 East Hill Flying Club, 62 Brown Road, Ithaca NY 14850 • 607-257-1313

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